Friday, August 14, 2009

Rational arguments on Health Care

I am fairly undecided about the best way to solve the health care problem in this country and there is all kinds of crazy talk out there such as "death panels" or "medicaid and medicare are not government run." So in the spirit of good argument and fact here are a couple of good commentaries about health care.

On the left, this one argues some of the merits while acknowledging the disadvantages of the Canadian health care system.

On the right, we have John Mackey CEO of Whole Foods giving his well reasoned arguments.

I will say I find Mackey's arguments fairly appealing. The biggest one being "Repeal all state laws which prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines."

Since states basically allow health insurance monopolies you get no real competition and no incentive to reduce costs. Honestly, we live in a mercantilist/state sponsored business health care system rather than a true capitalist or socialist system.

Still I will concede that Canada's system isn't bad.