Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ken Buck gets my kudos

Well Tancredo pulled yet another well Tancredo:

. . . I believe this with all my heart, that the greatest threat to the United States today, the greatest threat to our liberty, the greatest threat to the Constitution, the greatest threat to our way of life, everything we believe in, the greatest threat to the country put together by the Founding Fathers, is the guy who is in the White House today."

Though honestly, I think the bigger story to me is Buck's response:

"I think he's created a new word in the dictionary; it's called a Tancredo-ism. I don't agree. I think there are a lot of threats to this country, and I don't think the man in the White House is the greatest threat to this country at all."

"I was surprised when Tom said that. Tom tends to exaggerate sometimes. I respect, frankly, President Obama. I disagree with him on a lot of his policies, but he is the president of the United States, and I respect him as our leader."

My kudos to Buck for respectfully disagreeing with Obama and Tancredo. A strong democracy is a democracy that debates ideas and maintains civility. Nice to know some Republics don't play a zero-sum game.