Friday, January 8, 2010

Well I'm already wrong but that's a good thing

Salazar has turned down running for governor and now supports Hickelooper. Probably a good thing. Salazar is a cool guy and I really disagree with him on Iraq/Gitmo issues and some economic issues as well but his run for governor would have been interesting.

Hickenlooper however is more interesting though Hickenlooper is so popular he can only loose (thing Obama). As a guy who is both a policy wonk and a campaign junky this certainly appeals to the campaign junky side.

Now I wonder if there will be a primary (probably not), will Hickenlooper actually run (he in all likelihood will), who will he pick as his running mate, and will this be the western slope McInnis v. the Denverite/Front Ranger Hickenlooper?

Hickenlooper will probably have to make a Western Sloper his running mate or make a huge splash to put him over the top.